When it comes to Blood Pressure Cuffs, one size does not fit all.
Blood Pressure Cuff Size Matters!
When it comes to Blood Pressure measurements, one of the most important factors that is often overlooked is Cuff Size.
If the Blood Pressure Cuff is too large for the patient, it will return a erroneously low reading. If the Blood Pressure Cuff is too small, it will return an erroneously high reading. This happens because a too large blood pressure cuff will not fully inflate to compress the artery and a too small blood pressure cuff will need to be over-inflated to fully compress the artery.
In order to ensure that you are using the correct blood pressure cuff for your patients, first measure the diameter of their upper arm midway between the elbow and shoulder. This measurement will tell you the cuff size that should be used.
Use the following chart to determine the correct cuff size:
- Small Cuff 6.3 – 9.4″ (16-24cm)
- Medium Cuff 9.4 – 14.2″ (24 – 36cm)
- Large Cuff 14.2 – 17.7″ (26 – 45cm)
- Extra Large Cuff 16.5-23.6″ (42 – 60cm)
Other factors that can affect blood pressure results include pin holes in the blood pressure cuff or blood pressure tubing, out of calibration Blood Pressure Machine or Vital Signs Monitor / VSM, Patient Movement during reading, Patient flexing their arm during the reading, Incorrect Blood Pressure Cuff placement, Device in the wrong operating mode (set to Peds when testing Adults, Set to Adults when testing Pediatric).
Please contact Healthcare Engineering Service Solutions, Inc. at 718-414-5555 for any Blood Pressure Machine Repair and Service.